350 Wellington Fossil Free Schools Family Fun Day

Join this action organised by Wellington 350 calling on the government to fund a fast and just transition to 100% renewable energy for all schools in Aotearoa!

DATE: Saturday, October 30, 2021

TIME: 2:00 pm – 3:00 PM

LOCATION: Aro St Park, Aro Street, Aro Valley, Wellington, New Zealand

ASSEMBLY POINT: Aro Valley Community Centre (adjacent to Aro St Park) at 2:00pm 

HOST CONTACT INFO: wellington@350.org.nz

Please note FFF TUI is not involved in organising this Family Fun Day, we are simply standing in solidarity with Wellington 350.
Get in touch with them directly via email (see above) if you have any questions.

Visit their website https://350.org.nz/ .

Draw the line on Fossil Fuels with XR Wellington on Tuesday, October 26

Screenshot of youtube video Go Early Means Now, a song Edna from Tāmaki Makaurau wrote to support XR's open letter to Prime Minister Ardern. Screenshot is showing a protest sign saying Climate Justice Now.
Singers – this is your moment!  Listen to the beautiful song Edna from Tāmaki Makaurau wrote to support Extinction Rebellion’s Open Letter.

Join the XR Rebels in a colourful singing procession through the Pōneke CBD as they go to present their Open Letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at Parliament.

Sign the letter here: https://www.climatejusticenow.nz/

Green MP Teanau Tuiono  will receive it, along with other MPs – tell your MP to be there!

Family-friendly, non-arrestable event with lots of singing, flags, huge long banners, street theatre, chalking and so much more.

DATE: Tuesday, October 26, 2021

TIME: 11.30am – 2:00 pmish

LOCATION: Te Aro (Pigeon) Park (reach Parliament around 1pm)

Learn more on the Extinction Rebellion Facebook Event Page.

See you in the streets ✊

Please note FFF TUI isn’t involved in organising this event, we are simply standing in solidarity with the rebels across our beautiful motu. Get in touch with them directly via Facebook (link above) if you have any questions.

Starting this Saturday: Aotearoa XR’s Spring Rebellion 2021

From 23 Oct to 28 Oct 2021

Registration Form: https://xranz.involve.me/spring-rebellion-2021-registration
Find all details on XR’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/xr.newzealand/

The XR Spring Rebellion is coming to a city near you. The rebels in charge bring a loaded programme of how to be a good Extinction Rebel in these challenging times. You can expect workshops, discussions, tours and sit-ins. Here is a list of activities to choose from:

Weekend Camp

Powhiri on Saturday 23/10 at 4pm

Workshops, trainings and discussions on Sunday 24/10

Join us for NVDA training fb.me/e/2vrDutJC7

Keep the Coal in the Hole Tour fb.me/e/AsfPC64a

Animal rebellion McSit-In fb.me/e/3QWy7xn0E

Week Actions

Monday 25/10 Draw the line on Colonisation

Tuesday 26/10 Draw the line on Fossil Fuels – including presenting Open Letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern; sign open letter here: https://www.climatejusticenow.nz/

Wednesday 27/10 Draw the line on Animal Exploitation

Thursday 28/10 Colonisation=Exploitation=Extinction

Take the opportunity to make your loving rebellious rage heard and seen in the public sphere.

Actions are planned to comply with Covid Level 2, with social distancing and limits on numbers.

Wear your mask! Bring your own drinking and eating tools!

Please note FFF TUI isn’t involved in organising any of the wonderful Spring Rebellion, we are simply standing in solidarity with the rebels across our beautiful motu.
Get in touch with them directly via Facebook (link above) or email (see image above) if you have any questions. 💚✊

Tomorrow! Global Climate Strike #UprootTheSystem!

Uproot the System


  • Start with Picnics in Parks in at 2/117 Lambton Quay, making signs
  • March with signs and picket at Parliament, for FFF Global Strike
  • Level 2 – wear masks and maintain social distancing

On the 24th of September, climate activists around the world will unite for a global strike based around  #UprootTheSystem. But what does it exactly mean?

When we say Uproot The System, the climate movement puts an emphasis on the intersectionality of the climate crisis. The dominance of the Global North over MAPA (most affected people and areas) through different systems, such as: colonialism, discrimination, and climate injustice – and particularly the Global North’s outsized contribution to global emissions, is at the root of this crisis. Without listening to MAPA, embracing intersectionality, and uprooting this system, we have no hope of stopping the climate crisis. As the published narrative of the strike states, “Other socio-economic crises such as racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality, and more amplify the climate crisis and vice versa. It is not just a single issue, our different struggles and liberations are connected and tied to each other.”

21 October, Newtown: Prepare for Rise Up action in Taranaki

Our friends in Taranaki are organising a huge event in November. Here in Te Whanganui-a-Tara they are aided by Peace Action Wellington. Climate Justice Taranaki are highly respected campaigners and this event will be huge.

This from Valerie Morse of Peace Action.

I’m writing to invite all your members to a critically important climate justice action happening in Taranaki from 3-7 November.

The international climate negotiations (COP26) will be happening then, and we want to be clear that if they don’t take the actions required to keep temperature rise to 1.5, then we will. 

We’re teaming up from across Aotearoa to hold four days of skill-sharing, wānanga, networking and non-violent direct actions with other concerned people from across Aotearoa. The 5th of November is the day colonial troops invaded Parihaka after 22 years of bloody war across the country for land and resources. A war which has never ended and links directly to ruling class oppression, white supremacy, extractivism and now global warming. The 6th of November is a Global Day of Action for climate justice.

Our demands are to:

  • End extraction of fossil fuels
  • Ban industrial fertiliser
  • End dairy exports, and
  • No false solutions (like hydrogen).

What will happen:

The gathering starts on Wednesday evening and ends on Sunday morning. [Note: accommodation will be on marae and there are several campgrounds nearby. More details will be posted soon.] 

There will be opportunities for:

  • connecting to other groups/individuals to build the movement, and time to work with your local groups to plan (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
  • Learning about the local history and its impacts (Thursday evening, all weekend)
  • Skill-sharing, learning about climate justice and activism from different groups
  • Making art and props (Friday)
  • Nonviolent direct action (Friday and Saturday)

Make sure you save the date and make plans to come! Car-pooling and transport arrangements can be organised. We are hoping to fundraise enough to cover the costs of food, accommodation at the marae, and. We request that participants pay $10/day to help cover costs. 

Peace Action Wellington are hosting an info night + creative working bee on Thursday, 21 October from 6-9pm at the Newtown Community Centre for anyone who wants to know more.

Here is the facebook event, and Twitter and Instagram social media links to stay in the loop. Please share these with whanau and friends and update your profile pic from the event pic. There are also posters that can be printed off the website and distributed too if you want.

This Friday: Protest Fonterra, NZ’s biggest polluter.

Gas, Coal, and Industrial Ag: they’re all in this together.

AUCKLAND PROTEST: Victoria Park, cnr Halsey & Fanshawe St, opposite Fonterra HQ at 109 Fanshawe St, at 3 pm on Friday 28 May.

WELLINGTON PROTEST: Midland Park, outside Fonterra’s office at 157 Lambton Quay, at 1 pm on Friday 28 May.

The Parliament protest will start and end a little early this week (12-1 pm) so that people can move to Midland Park and protest Fonterra, our nation’s biggest polluter. Our government has only required the most minimal, token-effort changes from Fonterra.

Since 1990, dairy cattle numbers have increased by 82%, while in Canterbury this expansion was almost tenfold. This despite a growing climate emergency and no solution to the problem of methane emissions.

We now face severe health and water quality issues around the nation, long-term damage to waterways, and heavy metal loading in topsoil, making it unfit for food crops.

Gas and Coal are extracted to dry milk and create fertilizer, while water tables are drained in Fonterra’s race to the bottom.

So this week, make it a little later and join the team as they make the 5-minute walk to Midland Park at 1 pm.

New Zealand now faces the risk of trade barriers in response to this abysmal environmental record. For more information click below:

Why we’re here.

This is the new flier we intend to share on the lawn. We’ll make others for specific things as they arrive, but this message deserves its own page. There are lots of people lunching at Parliament these days so we want them to know this.

Why we’re here.

There is a PDF version available for any wishing to print it.

This Friday: March with School Strikers

Civic Square, Te Whanganui A Tara

In September 2019, 40,000 people gathered here to march on parliament. Around the country, 170,000 people joined them with the same message.

Come join School Strike For Climate as we do it again.

Right now, we have an unprecedented opportunity and responsibility to create a new normal – one which creates a planet we would all feel proud to pass on to future generations, by holding people and the planet at its center. We must show our leaders that there is still momentum and that thousands of New Zealanders are here, ready to walk alongside our political leaders on this journey to the more beautiful Aotearoa that we know is possible.

School Strike For Climate NZ
Last week – on the steps.

We’ll be there, and we have a few signs to spare. From Civic Square the march will head to parliament. Come and join us.

Ecocide: The Earth needs a Lawyer.

Scottish environmentalist Polly Higgins chose to become a lawyer in her mission to resist the practices that are ending life around us. Her campaign is to see that Ecocide is recognised as a crime against humanity. Polly died in 2019 but the work she started, Stop Ecocide, is going strong.

Change the law, protect the Earth.

The rules of our world are laws, and they can be changed. Laws can restrict or they can enable. What matters is what they serve. Many of the laws in our world serve property – they are based on ownership. But imagine a law that has a higher moral authority… a law that puts people and planet first. Imagine a law that starts from first do no harm, that stops this dangerous game and takes us to a place of safety…

Polly Higgins, 2015

We’ve been contacted by the Stop Ecocide movement for help, so we’ll be adding their message and information to the things we bring to parliament. If you want to get more actively involved please get in touch: admin@fridaysforfuture.nz

Climate Submissions get together – tomorrow at Aro Hall

Robbie on why you need to make a submission.

We still have a little time left to complete our submissions. We’re meeting at Aro Hall tomorrow at 10 am. We’ll use this time to share and help each other with our personal submissions. We’ll also come up with a plan for a shared submission.

We’ve heard through the grapevine that there are only 600 submissions so far. That’s not a high number for something like this and we know many will be created by the polluters.

Don’t be daunted by the size of this task. Yes, the report is big, but you don’t have to address it all. That work has already been done, by teams of lawyers, researchers, and advocates of all kinds. I’ll pop a short list below, but there are plenty more and we can search them out for ideas.

What matters is that you take a stand. In fact, the submissions by ordinary people stand out more than you think. Your submissions don’t need to be long either: better to focus on a shortlist of points, make them personal, and get them to stand out.

I’m planning to be around there till 2 pm. That means there’s time for people to drop by if they can’t make it at 10. Note there is no particular schedule for this time. We’re just using the time to share what we are doing and making sure everyone has what they need to make a submission.

We should also produce a combined submission, so this is also an opportunity to come up with a shortlist of points we’d like it to cover and decide who will write it.

Hope you can make it, and more importantly, I hope you make a submission. We’ll produce more stuff online with the little bit of time left. One last thought on why your submission is important now:

A few of us have been watching the Hot Air documentary. It gives a brief history of plans that came before this one, along with the way they were sidelined by the polluters. This time, it’s vital that the politicians know the people are watching and expect better. The difference between this plan and the ones before it is you.

Here’s a list to start:




(note – this also contains a link to a template you can use).

Lawyers talking about the report – they found some technical points worth knowing about:


A section from David Hall’s response:

Some submission stuff from us:

Kathleen can’t make it tomorrow but provided a link to her submission here:


And here’s my draft:

The draft for my own submission is here. Note that I WILL be making changes to it:

/It was easy in 1998 and 1989 to think that you could have a public interest approach to dealing with greenhouse gases. Governments would say we must get these emissions down, their populations would agree and support that, and there would be no major lobby to block it./

I’m pleased to see the calibre of the CCC. I’m sure the plans they have made improves on the ones that came before. Greenpeace, 350, the school strikers and gen zero, will all be asking to raise your ambitions and I agree with them.

My concern is that nothing in this report addresses that fact that every plan before it was sabotaged. So much so that emissions more than tripled since Simon Upton began the job in 1990.

And what is the point in another plan if it does not get to the core of the problem: the government is still not prepared to act. Since 2015, when [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGf4maDU7Ps][Hot Air]] was released, we’ve had a Green Climate Change minister, along with some timid reductions to mining. Also, in that time:

– 2,400 square km of Taranaki land was opened for exploration (Megan Woods, 2019)
– More gas peaker plants have been created (Mangorei in Taranaki, 2020)
– The Crown Minerals Act continues to require that the Minister for Energy promotes petroleum products
– The Environmental Protection Agency is still expected to pretend carbon emissions are not happening
– Plans for low carbon transport alternatives continue to be scrapped
– Plans for Hydrogen are so driven by polluters that they overlook the of existence electric rail and suggest creating new markets by burning coal

In the 90s Simon Upton brought the head of Carter Holt Harvery into his house to join discussions about carbon taxing. The shepard attempting to rationalise with the wolf. And the wolves are still in the house. In the introduction to your report you acknowledge the ECNZ. Those of you with ties to Motu know that it’s former CEO, John Carnegie, is the now head of Pepanz, J. Under ECNZ he was already making bizarre defense for oil companies. In his new role he is now is the lead actor in Terrence Loomis’ /Predatory Delay Diaries/.

The most powerful industries all make their profits from artifically cheap energy. It’s a crowded house and this seems impossible, but what else is there? They won’t change, that much is surely clear by now.

Through these times our strikers have been starving on the lawn of parliament. After over 400 days of protest they are about to face their third winter. We remain unconvinced by the declarations. We know that not all treaties are honoured.

I say this with the greatest respect for what you have done, and for the support you have extended to the activist communities. You can’t watch Hot Air without seeeing the cyclic nature of this moment. This is an addiction, held tight by a dysfunctional relationship. Until that changes, the plans themselves are irrelevant. If you don’t speak to the predators directly, then you will find you have been coerced into enabling them.

ngā mihi,


Join the School Strike for Climate this Tuesday!


This Tuesday the School Strikers will come to parliament. Please come along and support them. We have a bunch of spare placards and flags in case you don’t manage to bring your own. We’ll also bring some spare cardboard and pens if you want to make one on the spot.

The big announcement you’ve all been waiting for! It’s go time whanau… get your placards out, prepare your demands, and we’ll see you on the 26th of January at 12:30pm to demand, real, meaningful climate action!

— School Strike 4 Climate NZ
21 January at Parliament

As ever, you can join us at parliament any Friday. James joined us last week and pointed out that 20 countries are phasing out fossil fuels, yet Aotearoa is not one of them.

Countries phasing out fossil fuels.

There’s no question: a declaration of emergency means nothing without action and we are way behind in Aotearoa. It’s clear that we need to keep pushing for change.

We’ll see you at Parliament.

Emergency Declared! Where to next.

It’s been 18 months since Ollie first appeared on the lawn of parliament with the sign ‘Declare Climate Emergency Now’. Since then, climate strikers have been outside parliament for one day in every too.

Finally, it was declared. There were many speeches in parliament, and one that shook the walls came from Kiri Allan:


MP Kiri Allan

The declaration included resolutions to convert government fleets and thermal emissions away from coal. It’s a start.

But the bulk of coal emissions continue untouched, the plans for gas exploration, extraction and continued use go on, agricultural emissions were not mentioned, and we continue to import diesel and petrol vehicles are many times the rate of EVs.

That’s the surface of this problem: the nation’s obligations and a Treaty partner, and issues of equity that press on the daily lives of people, preventing them from taking action, are continuing.

Aotearoa’s climate response has been so poor, in fact, that it was about to be excluded from international discussions about it.


So we’ll continue. Ollie’s original sign is no longer needed: it has been offered to Te Papa, and if it doesn’t wind up there it may go inside the beehive. It’s time for new signs.

Upcoming International Events:

These arrived to us from Fridays For Future international. Check them out and let us know if you participate:

Webinar, Understanding the Paris Agreement

December 9, Wednesday, CET 20:00, Webinar, Understanding the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with Jean Pascal van Ypersele, former Vice President of IPCC. All welcome.
Sign uphere.
Information here.

Global Action, Let us all #Fightfor1point5

December 11, Friday, and December 12, Saturday,

Global Action, Let us all #Fightfor1point5 . Live up to the Paris Agreement.

Register or find on the FFF global map .

Dancing for the Planet. End the Ecocide

New action: Dancing for the Planet. End the Ecocide.
Locally, get your group together.
Register or find on the FFF global map
Get information.

Be creative. Initiate actions.

Visit the FFF Calendar
Recommend coming global actions including a climate action of the month

Local: the we survived 2020 party:

Friday, 11 Dec 6pm, Aro Community Hall. Tui Climate Community is hosting a get-together for activists to celebrate getting through the year.


There are so many amazing people putting time and effort in to some how make things better; in beautifully infinite ways, approaches, and interpretations. It’s been a very strange year, and you all deserve a party !
We have some epic live music lined up including local musician James Hart and a full ceilidh band!
We also have an amazing team making pizzas- bring a pizza topping, bring whatever beverages you want, put away your worries for a night and come have an awesome time 🙂
All are welcome, the more the merrier- come celebrate with us! If you have anything you want to share on the night- e.g kai, a poem, a game, babysitting services, great – but also feel free to just show up as yourself ! (very keen to offer babysitting though so do get in touch if that is something you can offer!!)
The hall is fully accessible- let me know if you need close parking and we can reserve it for you.
We will have vegan and gluten free pizzas- dietaries beyond that please get in touch and we will make sure we have kai for you!

Where to next?

Of course the Fridays will continue as ever, but we will have a get together soon of the regulars to talk about things to do in the New Year.

Till then, and as ever, we’ll see you on the lawn.

ngā mihi,
