Bernard Schofield’s petition is now open. It asks the Government for fortnightly press conferences to inform the public on the country’s progress in reducing greenhouse gases.
Regular press conferences specifically about climate change will encourage reporters with specialised knowledge to attend and will give them the opportunity to question Government closely on this crucial issue.
This is our fourth letter to Grant Robertson, the Minister of Finance.
Good day, Mr Robertson
Thank you for your response to our letter dated 12 April, with your apology and good wishes for our Earth Day action on 22 April.
You missed some thoughtful and inspiring speeches on the day:
Wellington City councillor Tamatha Paul’s opening address voiced a need for a change in mind-set by all of us, to combat climate change.
Freshwater ecologist Mike Joy reminded us that New Zealand’s Overshoot Day in 2022 was already reached in April, compared to 2021 when it was in May, and explained why the concept of “net zero” is tantamount to greenwashing.
At their offices on The Terrace, Paul Bruce from Guardians of the Bays addressed the Wellington City Council (represented by Iona Pannett). He explained how the council’s net zero emissions goal is in direct contrast with the Airport’s (of which the WCC owns one third) plans to extend the runway to accommodate twice as many tourists flying into Wellington by 2040.
Alana Kane from 350 Aotearoa spoke about the crucial need to ban fossil fuel use in the State sector (hospitals, schools and prisons). Two college students who helped raise awareness of gas boilers in their school, asked for greater support and more accessible for schools to switch to renewable energy. Together at Parliament they presented a petition (with 19,000 signatures!) to Jan Logie and James Shaw.
Francesca Pouwer from Fridays For Future Wellington spoke of the political will needed to make the necessary changes to protect the planet and people before profit.
Caz Sheldon from Action XR spoke about a pathway of eight challenges for government to take on board to divert the worst of the evolving climate crisis. One key element is to stop prioritising corporate opinions in policy making.
Alex Dyer from Picnics in (car) Parks talked of degrowth, emphasising that replacing fossil fuels with EV’s is not a long-term solution.
In other words, Mr Robertson, all those who spoke are in support of bold climate action. Our nation’s climate action so far is rated as ‘‘highly insufficient’ on the International Climate Tracker.
We urge you to develop a budget on 19 May 2022 that will improve our track record in Aotearoa.
Because you could not be present on the day, we want to send you a copy of our Seven Calls for Action, and a link to Francesca Pouwer’s speech on behalf of Fridays for Future Wellington.
We would appreciate your taking some time to read our seven calls for action, especially the last one which is to commit to a green oath. A green oath is fundamental to green (sustainable) economic growth – an economic system which respects and cares for people and nature.
Yours sincerely
Violet Chong and Francesca Pouwer on behalf of Fridays for Future Te Upoko / Wellington
We sent the Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson, a letter about our Earth Day action.
Good day Mr Robertson,
We thank you for the response from your office to our letter for Fridays for Future World Action Day on the 25th of March.
This response included a link to the Press Release of 16 February 2022, where you confirm the date of the 2022 Budget Announcement and states:
“This year’s budget will include a focus on the Government’s health reforms and investing to meet our climate change goals.……. It would be irresponsible to acknowledge that our health system needs improvement, based on the lessons from COVID, but then not doing anything about it.
Just as it would be equally reckless to just say ‘let’s forget about climate change for a year or two’. These are investments that we need to make as a country. We can’t afford not to make them.”
We cannot agree with you more. We cannot afford to delay climate action!
As you will know, the latest ICCP Report calls for swift action now to reduce the ever-rising emissions. We have till 2025 to reverse this trend to stay below 1.5 C. If we do not act now, global warming will reach 3.5 C before the end of this century. Global ice meltdowns will commence, leading to permafrost melting and megatons of methane being released. This sets off unprecedented catastrophic climate change and the massive extinction of flora, fauna and humanity itself.
We cannot afford “the careful pragmatic approach” that you advocate in the February 22 press release, the need “to strike a balance between the important projects that need to be done and the ongoing need for fiscal sustainability.”
The only important project is to enact a green budget that prioritises our environment, reduces emissions across every sector and commits to an equitable social system. A system that cares for the marginalised and where the corporations and those responsible for pollution pay for cleaning up and creating green options.
# Invest in the planet is the theme for this year’s Earth Day
Now is the time for the unstoppable courage topreserve and protectlife on planet Earth.
We need nature; Nature needs us
We must Invest in Our Planet.
Time is short
It’s going to take all of us. All in partnership. Businesses, governments, and citizens.
We ask, Mr Robertson, that you join US, concerned citizens of Aotearoa, at Parliament on Earth Day 22. April 2022 from 1.30 pm.
The Wellington Earth Day Event starts from 12pm at Midland Park with action song and public speakers. We will then march to Parliament via WCC on the terrace where we will deliver a letter to halt expansion in aviation.
At 1.30 the honourable Jan Logie will meet activists to receive the 350.0rg petition that calls for a total ban for fossil fuels at our schools.
School students will be there to speak to this initiative.
After that, there is opportunity for climate action groups to voice their calls for bold climate action now.
Hear and then respond toour calls to action:
How we can care for planet and put people before profit –before ‘fiscal sustainability’.
We look forward to your response to meet us on Earth Day 2022
Please join our action for Earth Day! It would be awesome to see your placards!
Date: 22 April 2022
Time:12 noon
Place: Midland Park, Wellington
We will march and cycle (if you have a bike) towards Parliament, singing “Do it now” (listen to the song on YouTube).
Our special guest is Mike Joy, a New Zealand freshwater ecologist, science communicator and author of the book “Polluted Inheritance, New Zealand’s Freshwater Crisis”.
We will bring some protest signs to Midland Park in case you don’t already have one.
At 1.30pm we will meet with Jan Logie and hand over our demands for a future that does not rely on fossil fuels.
This will be followed by a chance for people from all the groups present to speak.
We want our government to take action, fast. Join us in calling for a just transition and investment in our planet.
Decarbonise now!
Planet and people – not profit!
We need nature needs us!
This event is a joint action with and Picnics in Parks.
If you are in Auckland, you won’t miss out! Fridays for Future Tamaki Makaurau is also doing an Earth Day action, along with Holding Space Aotearoa and Miro Hall-Jones.
We sent a second letter to the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister, the Minister for Climate Change, the Minster of Transport and the leader of the National Party.
We are still here outside your office Mr Robertson. 25 March 2022 is Fridays for Future’s World Action Day.
The catastrophic climate scenario we are now experiencing is the result of centuries of exploitation of people and planet, and a socio-economic model that is flawed and needs to be replaced. The everlasting-growth model based on cheap and dirty oil, primarily through corporations, governments, and the affluent from the global north and its colonies. It is destroying the Earth and many of its occupants (fauna, flora and people).
We need action now: political action to create a circular economy with zero waste, zero emissions and zero exploitation.
For 3 years, we as citizens who care about the climate and biodiversity emergency, have been standing vigil – first at Parliament, then for the last month outside your electorate office in Willis St.
We are protesting to demand a green budget that prioritises our environment and commits to an equitable system. A system that cares for the marginalised and where the corporations and those responsible for pollution pay for cleaning up and creating green options.
Put on your green Hat Mr Robertson and deliver a budget embedded in nature!
We want a redistribution (and in most cases, a collectivisation) of wealth and political power. This must be inclusive and acknowledge the wisdom of people’s assemblies, and fully include indigenous knowledge as part of Te Tiriti both at local and national levels.
We are the people; hear our voice. We are the people; hear our choice.
We choose for an economic model embedded in protecting nature. Invest in Papatuanuku. Care for planet and people.
With the utmost sincerity, Fridays for Future Aotearoa (Wellington)
Because of Omicron we will not to do a special action for 25 March (the Fridays for Future Global Day of Action).
But we are connecting with climate groups in Auckland and Wellington to organise something for Earth Day 2022. The theme for this year is “Invest in our planet“.
Please come to thevirtual Climate Justice potluck on 31 March
The second climate justice potluck will be an online Zoom for everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing.
The aim is to get together, share our mahi and ideas, and organise an event for the upcoming Earth Day (April 22nd).
When: 5:30-6:30pm, 31st of March (Thursday) Where: Zoom link here (Meeting ID: 824 7291 4306 Passcode: 136950 ) Agenda: 5:30pm – Karakia and introductions/updates from individuals/orgs 5:50pm – Moving towards an Earth Day event and actions to get there 6:25pm – Closing
The climate justice potlucks are hosted by 350 Aotearoa, Generation Zero, Fossil Free State Sector and Sustainability Trust.
If you can’t make it to the climate justice potluck but want to do some action for Earth Day, get in touch with us!
the Leader of the National Party, Christopher Luxon
Mr Robertson, have you noticed us standing outside your office every Friday of late?
Since the petrol price is up, seize this moment to put in electric busses on priority lanes and subsidise e-bikes to go to work and get around our streets.
Act now to reduce the cost of living for struggling families and our emission levels from Transport in one go.
We have but a narrow gap from 2022-29 to reduce to net zero.
We hear about measures for Covid; measures to support Ukraine.
What we need most is fortnightly updates onwhat the government is putting in place to combat the climate crisis and create a fair, low energy, circular economy.